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She Sucks Cock To Avoid Three Hundred Dollar Ticket

She Sucks Cock To Avoid Three Hundred Dollar Ticket
We threatened this brunette slut with over three hundred dollars in tickets - which was, apparently way out of her budget because it only took about ten seconds from the time we offered her the chance to suck our cocks to get out of having to pay it until the time she accepted. Unfortunately she was in a hurry to get back to work and kept asking 'how much longer' instead of just doing her job and sucking us off. It's all good though - by the end we had her broken in and she was able to figure out what her mouth really ought to be used for, and I don't mean talking! After we came all over her great little titties, we tricked her into getting out of our car and then bailed, leaving her ass stranded miles away from her car in the middle of no where!
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